Mighty Fitness Full Setup and Configuration


This service covers :(Android + iOS)
  • Cpanel setup and configuration.
  • Splash screen changes
  • App Name Changes
  • Package Bundle ID Changes
  • App Icon Changes
  • App Color Changes
  • App Font Changes
  • Upload App in Play Store
  • Upload App in App Store
  • Configure OneSignal
  • Configure Firebase
  • Configure CHAT GPT key
What do we need from you?
  • Cpanel backend Detail
  • App icon 1024*1024
  • App name
  • App color
  • App Font name
  • Gmail account detail
  • App Store account detail
  • Play Store account detail


  • We will upload APK or IPA at one time in the AppStore and Play Store further you have to manage. This is a one-time customization. For any future update on our product, you have to do it by yourself.
  • We offer refunds only if we are not able to deliver the promised service.


This service does NOT cover : 
  • No more than 2 revision
  • App Purchase. (You need to purchase our App and give us the purchase code)
  • Customization App Functionality
  • You must provide all required accounts like Gmail. Google Play Store, apple store, hosting server details, etc.
Estimated Delivery: Up to 7 Business Days.

(After we receive all necessary details from you)

Hassle-free configuration and upload 

We know submitting an app to the App Store isn’t as simple as pushing a launch button. But believe us, it is not as complicated when we do it for you.

Notes: Once you complete the payment, then please create a support ticket with the subject “Addon” and add “Transaction ID”. Our support agent will communicate with you to jumpstart your work ASAP.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
  1. What do I need before purchasing this service?
    • App Icon 1024*1024
    • App Name
    • App Color
    • App Fonts
    • Firebase Account Detail
    • Play Store Account Detail
    • App Store Account Detail
    • CPanel/Server Account Detail

  1. Do you offer a refund?
    We offer refunds only if we are not able to deliver the promised service.

  1. Can I buy this service for Non-Meet Mighty App?
    No, Currently we only take up App Setup with Meet Mighty App. Explore all our products here